Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We have finished shingling!
The brown color on the wall just above the shingles is the color we are going to paint our house,
 but that is another project...

For my last row I used the left overs I cut off of the starter row.
The dark brown is the Quad brand caulk I used on the 2nd to last row.
The white is the same Quad brand only in white I used to adhere the last row of trimmed shingles.

All that is left to do on the carport now is some painting, and putting a gutter on which we are going to get bids and see how pricy it would be to put in a seamless gutter.

Thank goodness we had an indian summer so we were able to get the project done without stressing about the rains.  :-)

Friday, September 21, 2012


I have been slowly getting the shingles put on. 
Thankfully we are having an indian summer.  So the weather looks good for roofing... 

Suzi has been working on it on her days off...

This is what the individual shingles look like.  It makes a truely random pattern. 
We chose these, because it matches our house.

Since we are in a low wind area, and the roof slope is not steep we are using 4 nails per shingle. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tyler came by and put all the shingle bundles on the roof for us. :-)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Suzi and I spent her day off putting the  underlayment on the roof.

We used a product by Grace called tri-flex instead of tar paper. 
It was weird putting nails in the underlayment instead of staples. 
The product was TONS lighter than tar paper making the job as a whole alot easier. 
We did have alot of over lap (20in) since our roof has so little slope. Causing us to use more underlayment than I originally calculated.  But I only needed 1 row of paper at the top so I got tar paper for that.

We have the shingles now and are ready to go...

We got all the osb down and the edges trimmed.

Here is a close up of the fascia and drip edge.  We just used a 2x6 for the fascia.

We are now ready for underlayment aka tar paper.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We have been making good progress on the carport roof.
Tyler came over and moved all the sheets of osb onto the roof for us, to make it easier for us to lay it.

One of the reasons we are doing shingles on this roof is if it is metal or plastic I cannot get to the siding on the house that is in desperate need of a good cleaning...

Suzi aka 'muscles' has been hard at work flipping osb and hammering nails with me. 
Getting all the rafter set was a bit time consuming since we had to put a birds beak knotch in 2 places on each of the 15 - 2x6 boards.

Friday, August 31, 2012

We used Susan's self leveling laser, and put the beam up. 
I highly recomend her toy. 
I think I have used it more than she has. 
 It is so easy, you feel like it cannot be right... but it was right on the money!